Overseas Consulting Business



Project for Strengthening Operation and Maintenance Capacity of Olkaria Geothermal Power Station Using IoT Technology

In this project, the project team provides local staffs of the Olkaria geothermal power stations with technical supports by sharing technical knowledge, so that they can improve the availability of the stations’ operation and the condition monitoring of the geothermal reservoirs.

Kyuden International Corporation will provide technical supports for station data management skills, which are required for proper operation of the power stations, enabling the local staffs to perform a long-term stable operation and maintenance as well as performance improvement of the power stations.


The Project for the Installation of Solar Electricity Generation System in Ebeye Island

With the financial support from JICA, this project aims to reduce the fossil fuel consumption, to introduce renewable energy and to improve the energy security in Ebeye Island that currently depends heavily on diesel power generation.

Kyuden International Corporation contributes to the optimal EPC arrangement of solar power generation and BESS (Battery Energy Storage System) in Ebeye Island. We are responsible for the detailed engineering and the supervising of procurement and construction for EMS (Energy Management System) and the BESS. Furthermore, following EPC phase, we will provide technical supports for operation and maintenance of the newly-installed solar power generation system to ensure long-term stable operation.

Cabo Verde

The Project for Introduction of Hybrid Power Generation System

This project aims to enhance utilization ratio of renewable energy in Cabo Verde. To achieve this goal, the project team will work alongside the local staffs to review and improve the current operation and maintenance standards for diesel generators. Also, we will provide technical supports so that the local staffs involved can optimize the operation of diesel power plants and renewable energy on their own.

Acting as the representative company of the project, Kyuden International Corporation will manage the entire project and propose measures to increase the utilization of renewable energy, including the technologies that effectively utilize available renewable energy sources.