PowerSource Philippines, Inc.


PowerSource Philippines, Inc.

Our 1st overseas off-grid electrification project for remote islands

PowerSource Philippines, Inc. (hereafter PowerSource), an operator qualified by the Philippines Energy Regulatory Commission, supplies electricity to off-grid communities. Currently, they provide electricity generated by diesel to 7 sites on the Palawan, Cebu and Mindanao Islands and are planning to implement solar-storage at existing sites, and to develop new sites in the future.

In 2019, we invested in PowerSource. With the utilization of the Kyuden Group’s vast experience of supplying electricity to remote areas and generating renewable energy, we contribute as a strategic partner to the supply of environmentally-friendly energy and to the expansion of PowerSource's microgrid business, through our technical support for the improvement of operation and maintenance of their power plants, as well as introduction of renewable energy.

Overview of PowerSource

Company Name PowerSource Philippines, Inc.
Headquarters Makati City, Philippines (Manila)
Establishment 2003
Main Business Operation, maintenance and development of power generation
and distribution facilities on remote islands